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Image by César Couto
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Unified Profile

Integrating third party data into Airmeet's data analytics


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My role

UX research  |  UX design  |  User testing

Project duration

8 weeks (Feb to Mar 2023)


For marketers, virtual events are great to generate new leads, nurturing existing leads and building deeper relationships with customers for upselling/advocacy. Airmeet captures individual attendees' event/session data. But to successfully push an attendee into the pipeline, organizers also need to see a background data of the attendee from a third party CRM tool. This comprehensive data analytics helps organizers to take better calls wrt the individual attendees on how to deal with the individual as a future customer.

Image by César Couto

Initial problem statement

The problem is to create a comprehensive data analytics page where organizers can see internal event/session data and CRM data, simultaneously and evaluate the individual attendee so as to take a call on how to deal with the person.

Primary research

Research goals

  • To know the mental model of organizers & understand their expectations.

  • To understand the how organizers are doing the comprehensive analysis at the moment when the product does not offer any such feature.

  • To find out what are the most critical data points organizers are looking forward to when it comes to a comprehensive data sheet.

User interviews

  • A total of 3 event organizers were interviewed. All of them had organized more than 2 mid to large scale events at Airmeet.

  • Click here to view the questionnaire.

User persona

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Mark Wood

Marketer (event organizer), Infosys

39 M  |   Tech Savvy

Mark is a senior marketing professional at Infosys. He constantly conducts webinars and conferences to attract customers and increase the pipeline. Post event, he has to do a lot of data viewing before he can actually connect with the clients. This eats up a lot of his time.

Pain points -​

  • Mark uses Airmeet as an event platform and is solely dependent on the product to show all event/session related attendee data.

  • He uses Hubspot as a CRM tool for collating all data about their probably customers outside of the event's context.

  • Mark to do a lot of back & forth from Airmeet to Hubspot so as to get deeper understanding about an attendee.

Expectations -​

  • Mark expects to be able to view both data at a common interface.

  • Although the data points are many but the interface should not lead to confusion.

  • The data interface should aid in a quicker decision making process.

Priorities -

  • Important CRM data - customer name, company, company's revenue, ACV etc.

  • Important event data - Engagement score, Time spent, Activities performed in the event like sessions attended, questions asked, hands raised, polls answered, resources viewed/downloaded etc.

  • Cumulative data across multiple events is also very important.

User journey map

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Parallel product study

A total of 2 products - On24 & Hubspot,  were finally analyzed in-depth.

Click here to view the summary of parallel product study.

Image by César Couto


Current status

  • Lack of "consolidated view" of the attendee — Attendee data is siloed across multiple data sources such as CRM, data enrichment platforms (eg. Hubspot/ ZoomInfo/Slintel) and across multiple events that the attendee might have attended in the past

  • Thus vital information about the attendee's profile, organization, past engagement, purchase intent etc is missing.

  • Generating all these insights is a time-consuming activity for the organizer as they have to view and collate data from multiple sources.

  • As a result, the quality of insights around the attendee is not up to the mark.

  • Eventually, due to a lack of insights the organiser crafts the same event experience for all attendees. For example, the session agenda, notifications, networking experience etc could have been personalized depending on the attendee's profile and their needs. But it is not. This leads to a poor ROI from the event for the organizer.


  • Enable marketers to maximize ROI from their events by integrating data from other existing marketing tools/channels used by businesses and provide a unified attendee view.

  • Use the unified view to provide organisers with high-quality insights about the attendee's profile, and past interactions with the company at the click of a button.

  • Allow organisers to leverage these high-quality insights by enabling them to craft personalized pre-event, in-event and post-event experiences, and thus maximize conversion rates.

Final problem statement

Organizers are not able to take informed actions wrt their attendees as they do not have a comprehensive data of the attendee. The intent of this project is to provide the organizers with a integrated data analyzing interface helping them to - 

  • Integrated details & data of any attendee & company

  • View activity trail of the attendee

Attendee data like name, place, company. Company details like company size, revenue, ACV etc. Deal value and deal owner details are also information that could be integrated

Activity trail refers to set of activities performed by attendee w.r.t an event — eg. time of entry, sessions ended, activity in a session (question asked/messages sent, polls answered etc), resources downloaded, networking activities, time of exit etc.


  • Generate unified profile of their participants by linking data from various data sources (CRMs, data enrichment platforms, marketing tools etc) and past Airmeet events.

  • View the activity trail for the participants. (Activity trail refers to the list of actions performed by the attendee in a particular event)

Success metrics

  • Number of communities which linked their CRMs/data enrichment platforms with Airmeet.

  • Number of communities where unified profile was explicitly generated for registrants by the organiser.

  • Number of communities who personalized attendee activities and communications using data from unified profile.

Pastel Gradient

Final designs

Visual design was finally concluded in coordination with Alisha Gupta, visual designer, Airmeet.

Unified profile (Community level)

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Unified profile (Event level)

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User testing

The prototype was tested with a total of 12 attendees. 5 of them were internal Airmeet employees (new joinees, not acquainted with the product).


  • When the event is live, organizer will not get enough opportunity to come onto the event/community dashboard to view all this data. Can we create a quick viewing mechanism for this data to be seen at the live side?

  • How can we take bulk actions on the basis of these activity data points or CRM data points?

Way forward

  • Quick data view on live side for organizer - To be part of V1 scope.

  • Segmentation and bulk actions based on attendee activity data or CRM data. - To be picked up in V2.

Further designs

Quick attendee data viewing card on live side

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